research demonstrates that developing people strategy is both a top priority
for trusts right now and a challenge. This course will provide leaders with a
framework approach to developing impactful people strategy with practical tools
and ideas for implementation.
Please be sure to check our fees before making your booking.
Who is
it for?
- HR leads
- Chief executives
- Education directors and CPD leads
How you
will benefit
You will
- An
understanding of how effective people strategy is grounded in your trust
strategy and the importance of having a clear vision for what you want to
- An
overview of the resource and inputs that you will need.
- A tested
framework for the development or evaluation of your trust’s people strategy.
Seminar leader
Mandy Coalter, Founder, Talent Architects
Bookings are now closed for this masterclass. Please check back here for future course dates.
1: Understanding the strategic context; shaping your vision
first seminar will provide an overview of:
- The
national landscape impacting employment in trusts.
- What
needs to be in place.
- Developing
the people vision and strategic objectives.
2: Creating good culture and nurturing talent
second part of the masterclass will consider:
- The
four-pillar model for creating a great place to work.
- Developing
leadership, culture and climate.
- Developing
people and talent.
Seminar 3: Good work, wellbeing and the role of HR
In this
final seminar, we will consider:
- Creating
good work and wellbeing.
- The role
of HR and how to develop this.
- Final takeaways.
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