Group mentoring

As chief executive or executive headteacher of a small trust, you are likely to be juggling a range of operational and strategic responsibilities in your role. This can be both hugely rewarding and at times, uniquely lonely too. We understand the pressures of time and resource that you face and have created a new group mentoring offer to give you a rich blend of peer support and expert guidance across the year.

How it works

Your peer group will be six to eight trust leaders in trusts of eight schools or less. Together with your mentor you will co-curate the areas for discussion and exploration across two online group meetings per term. This will be augmented with two one-to-one online meetings with your mentor to discuss issues of particular relevance to you and your context. Between meetings you will be able to connect with your mentor and your peers in a private online community. This is designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences to keep the conversation going between meetings, share each other’s wins and provide support through challenges.

Your mentor

The group will be led by Jon Chaloner, education leadership advisor and founding CEO of GLF Schools.


The fee is £1,950+VAT for CST members, and £2,145+VAT for non members.

Discover more

Drop us a line at to explore how group mentoring could support your leadership development.

Company no: 05303883
Charity no: 1107640

Contact details

Confederation of School Trusts (CST)
Suite 1, Whiteley Mill
39 Nottingham Road
Nottingham    NG9 8AD

0115 9170142

Social media