Building a culture of belonging: reflections from CST’s Annual Conference 2023

Written by Louis Munro

Policy and Communications Officer, CST

This year CST held its largest annual conference to date. We welcomed over 1,300 delegates to celebrate the work that is being done across the trust sector and to discuss ways in which it can progress. Having so many passionate people in one place created a truly positive environment, furthered by the amazing speakers and keynotes, many of whom shared powerful and thought-provoking anecdotes about their work in the sector.

As someone who is fairly new to the trust sector, attending the CST annual conference was an invaluable insight not only into the passion and drive that individuals and teams have, but also the bond that those within the sector seem to share. This bond, catalysed by a specific, unified purpose - to advance education for the public benefit - attracts those within the trust sector to collaborate and engage with others in pursuit of this mission.

It is this bond that makes events like CST annual conference possible. The eagerness of the sector to come together in this way speaks volumes to the devotion those within the trust sector have towards their shared goals. The many inspiring and moving workshops, led by passionate and expert speakers further epitomised this devotion.

What better transition therefore into the theme of this year’s conference: belonging. Belonging was reflected upon deeply by speakers and delegates, many of whom relayed the significance of the theme from their own personal experience of working in the trust sector. In conversations surrounding this sense of belonging, many reflected on the importance of not just making sure children feel that they belong, but making sure adults in the sector also feel that they belong. It is this sense of belonging that Owen Eastwood, one of last year’s speakers and the inspiration for the 2023 theme, described as pivotal to engaging a drive towards a shared mission.

One of this year’s keynote speakers, Chris Lubbe, delivered an incredibly apposite quote relating to the theme used by Nelson Mandela, who he worked closely with:

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

- African Proverb

Acknowledging the challenges faced by the trust sector, Chris spoke about the value of collaboration and togetherness in overcoming barriers and hurdles. His speech reminded us that whilst historically education had been used to divide, it is now up to us to make sure that education is, and remains, a space where everyone feels as though they can belong.

It is not all about challenges, though. This year’s conference was also a celebration of the hard work and dedication of all the people who make the trust sector so valuable.

Moving forwards, we will be looking at how the trust sector is growing and strengthening as it matures, and how we can shape the work we do to be in tune with this maturation. That is why we have decided that the theme of next year’s annual conference will be ’building’. We will focus on the ways in which our sector can continue building resilience, capacity, expertise, and everything else that furthers our progress. We will talk about what the sector has built, and how it can keep building. We hope you will be able to join in the conversation.

Want to get a taste of what the CST annual conference is like? Watch the highlights from our 2023 annual conference.

Our next annual conference will be on 7 and 8 November 2024 at the ICC in Birmingham. Find out more and register your interest here. We look forward to welcoming you.

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