CST's response to the Department for Education consultation on the SEND review and Green Paper.
CST's response to the Department for Education consultation on the SEND review and Green Paper.
This position paper sets out a number of proposals to help build a a strengthened system of SEND that is built on a social and affirmative model of disability for children with SEND and builds parental confidence.
The paper explores ways in which the outcome of the SEND Review and Green Paper consultation could shift the way society thinks about people with learning disability by avoiding deficit language, that suggests people with learning disability are somehow incomplete or worth less, and makes the case for a more ambitious vision of what a good life is - placing greater value on difference, common values, the process of learning and more, to provide a healthy balance to meritocratic values of academics, occupation, and wealth.
This discussion paper builds on the paper A good life: Towards greater dignity for people with learning disability to offer five principles for inclusion, to improve the education of children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Confederation of School Trusts response to the Centre for Young Lives Call for Evidence on Inclusive Schools
Documents from the member engagement call on SEND system reform on 29 January 2025.
Solving the SEND crisis – the Confederation of School Trusts’ response to the Education Committee’s Call for Evidence
This document sets out 10 principles for a new SEND system, based on previous research by CST and consultation with member trusts.