Chairs Development Programme

It's both a great privilege and a great responsibility to chair a school trust board. Whatever your background or journey to the Chair, CST’s Chairs Development Programme will help you to develop the unique skills, knowledge and understanding that the role requires and establish your board leadership.


The Chairs Development Programme is a series of seven weekly virtual seminars delivered via Zoom. Each 90-minute seminar, led by Programme Director, Jackie Eason MBE, explores a different aspect of the role of the chair of a school trust and features expert input from a broad range of guest speakers.

Participants receive a short pre-session briefing on each week’s topic, which will allow you to arrive at the session prepared and focussed. Following the session, a handy skills summary, with recommendations for further exploration, will support you to bring the learning to life in your own trust.

Who is it for?

This development programme offers an introduction to the role of the chair of a school trust that is practical, inspiring, and appropriate for chairs of trusts of all sizes. It is particularly beneficial for:

  • Newly appointed chairs of trustees
  • Vice chairs and aspirant chairs

Programme leader

Jackie Eason MBE

Guest contributors

When and where

Spring 2025 - Online 

  • Tuesday 29 April 2025, 16:00-17:30
  • Tuesday 6 May 2025, 16:00-17:30
  • Tuesday 13 May 2025, 16:00-17:30
  • Tuesday 20 May 2025, 16:00-17:30
  • Tuesday 3 June 2025, 16:00-17:30
  • Tuesday 10 June 2025, 16:00-17:30
  • Tuesday 17 June 2025, 16:00-17:30

Book now for Spring 2025

Course summary

The programme focuses on developing skills and understanding for effective board leadership.

The seminar syllabus covers the following areas:

Taking the Chair

Jackie Eason MBE in conversation with Lucy Livings, Deputy Regional Director for the South West.

In seminar one, we explore the role of school trusts and trust boards in the education system today. We hear from a Deputy Director about their work and discuss the importance of trust board chairs in delivering the education strategy. We provide an opportunity for you to meet each other, consider your own leadership style and how you can lead meetings. At the end of the seminar there will be an opportunity to set your own learning goals

Developing the Board

Jackie Eason MBE in conversation with Mel Greener, freelance governance consultant

In seminar two, we recognise the importance of the chair’s role in building a skilled team. We explore the responsibilities of the governance professional and consider the membership, effectiveness, behaviour and culture of the board. We consider how to develop structures of governance that work well in your trust.

Shaping strategy

Jackie Eason MBE 

In seminar three we focus on our first core function; to ensure clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction. We recognise the importance of having a clear vision, and how this can drive change and define our strategic priorities. We consider our role in building alignment across the Trust and turning our strategy and values into practice.

Building your relationship with the CEO

Jackie Eason MBE in conversation with Emma Hughes, Head of HR, Browne Jacobson and Trustee

In seminar four, we look closely at the special relationship between the CEO and the Chair. We consider how to build a positive, professional relationship where your leadership remains strategic, and accountability is held through robust performance management. We recognise the importance of the governance professional role, and we explore potentially tricky situations.

Leading on strategic risk management

Jackie Eason MBE in conversation with Matthew Humphrey, Partner, RSM and David Teasdale, Chief Operating Officer, Leading Edge Academies Partnership

In seminar five, we recognise that risk management is at the heart of strategic leadership. We explore how trustees can use their risk register to inform their strategic planning, growth strategy, and their internal assurance process. We consider some common pitfalls in risk management, and how to avoid them.

Community anchor institutions and civic leadership

Jackie Eason MBE

In seminar six, we explore how to develop our trust’s role as an anchor institution within our community and how we can impact the wider education system and civic and system leaders. We consider how to communicate effectively with our stakeholders and the role of local governance in community engagement. We also discuss the how to build a relationship with our local governance leaders.

Board effectiveness

Jackie Eason MBE in conversation with Rama Venchard MBE, Chair, London South East Academies Trust

In seminar seven, we acknowledge the importance of self-review; we look at the tools available to measure our effectiveness and consider how we can report and respond to findings. We share how we can further develop our board, and how we can continue to develop as a board leader, so that we can achieve the goals we set out in seminar one.


CST Members £725+VAT / Non-members £825+VAT

Trusts booking two individuals onto this course (e.g. a chair and vice or aspirant chair) will receive a 50% discount for the second place booked. 

View our Terms and Conditions



Participants in previous programmes said:

"Sharp, thought provoking training delivered by a highly skilled and experienced team."

"A well thought out programme with excellent speakers, facilitators and group leaders. As a Chair sharing the things that keep me awake at night with other like minded people has been invaluable. We have had many a great discussion - thank you.'"

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Company no: 05303883
Charity no: 1107640

Contact details

Confederation of School Trusts (CST)
Suite 1, Whiteley Mill
39 Nottingham Road
Nottingham    NG9 8AD

0115 9170142

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