Following the Chancellor's Autumn Statement, CST's Trust and School Funding Policy Specialist, Susan Fielden, reflects on what we learnt from the statement - and poses seven areas of interest for the sector to consider.

In this pamphlet, CST chief executive Leora Cruddas CBE sets out the case for the school trust, and a trust-based system. It attempts to set out why a trust-based system might be our best bet, and explains why a group of schools working together in a school trust is so much more than simply the changing of the legal structure of the school.

In advance of the detailed publication of the formula to be used to distribute the additional Autumn Statement funding to schools, Susan Fielden, our Trust and School Funding Policy Specialist, has shared her insights which we hope will help.

This paper is intended to support such discussions by exploring key tensions and trade-offs that exist in inspection policy and practice. We think setting these out is an important first step before moving into the ‘nuts and bolts’ of what a future framework should look like. Too often calls are made for Ofsted to focus on X or to look beyond Y, but the broad paradigm – and the concerns sometimes expressed about inspection - remain the same because the issues outlined in this paper are not always properly understood. We think that exploring these tensions as a starting point creates the space to think truly differently and constructively about the future of inspection.

In January 2023 CST published a discussion paper, ‘Navigating uncertainty: a future direction for Ofsted’. We set out some key concepts that inspection must navigate, including autonomy and control, validity and reliability, and inference and consistency. In this paper we build on this initial conceptual framing to offer some policy ideas which might be considered in relation to inspection. Again, these are offered as a stimulus for discussion at this stage rather than being firm CST positions.

There is a strong case for trust leaders to prioritise high quality teacher learning as a mechanism for school improvement. To do so, leaders require an understanding of the barriers to teacher learning and how to overcome them. This paper by Steplab's founder Josh Goodrich and strategic director Claire Hill examines how this can be achieved.

CST’s first National Survey of School Trusts aims to create a unique and powerful picture of our sector. Supported by our Platinum Partner, Edurio, the report explores the progress and priorities of school trusts across England.

The leadership of a group of schools working together as a single legal entity and under a single governance structure is a new field of inquiry. This paper in our Bridge To The Future series makes the case for new domains of educational leadership emerging from this field.

For the second year running, the Confederation of School Trusts has partnered with Edurio to conduct the National School Trust Survey. The survey is designed to uncover the main priorities and challenges for the sector for the upcoming academic year, as well as to provide some detail on specific approaches.

This discussion paper builds on the paper A good life: Towards greater dignity for people with learning disability to offer five principles for inclusion, to improve the education of children with special educational needs and disabilities.

This glossary is intended primarily to help new trustees and academy committee members with some common terms used in education. It focuses on terms relevant to academies and trusts, rather than legacy terms for maintained schools.
A downloadable version is available but we recommend using the online version for ease of use and to ensure you have the most recent information.

This survey explored the roles and responsibilities of the trust safeguarding team, the support that trusts provide at a school and trust level, and the factors
influencing the retention and career progression of safeguarding professionals. It also invited trust safeguarding leaders to share their priorities for the year ahead.

This study delves into school improvement in school trusts. It employs Q Methodology and Legitimation Code Theory (LCT) to explore the viewpoints of trust leaders about effective school improvement. The research blends the subjectivity-focused Q Methodology with the analytical depth of LCT to explore what trust leaders value most.

Research by the Confederation of School Trusts has found that the current complex system of school funding falls short of what is needed to support pupils. Funding is too unpredictable, is not calculated against the actual costs facing schools, and has failed to keep up with moves to a trust-led system. Following extensive consultation with academy trust leaders - who now run more than half of the country’s schools – CST is calling for significant reforms.

The aim of this work is to establish a common set of concepts, language and framework that will allow trusts to explore, capture and compare their models of school improvement so that we can build more knowledge and a stronger evidence base about what is more likely to work when improving schools at scale.

School trusts exists to provide education - but as charities they also have a wider civic role. Today many schools exist as the last civic institution in their communities - this report from CST explores how trusts are working with pupils, parents, public services, charities, and businesses to help pupils do better on both sides of the school gates.

The performance review of the chief executive or executive leader of a school trust is one of a trust board’s most significant responsibilities. It is key to the board’s leadership of strategy and values, its accountability for educational outcomes and financial health, and supports the development and well-being of the trust’s most senior employee. School trusts have the freedom to define their own appraisal process for chief executives in line with their trust’s ethos and values and approach to performance management.

Process planning and delivery is the second in a series of three guidance notes on the performance review of chief executives. The series provides robust sector- and role-specific guidance on the principles and practices of executive performance review to support your trust’s process from end-to-end, whatever its size or stage of development.

This rapid audit tool for trustees provides a way for trustees to self-assess their understanding, using CST’s Assurance framework for trust governance as a base. The form can be filled in electronically and saved for return to trust governance professionals, or printed out for completion on paper.

In the next instalment of our Funding Futures series, we look at beginning to build a reliable evidence base through introducing a Schools' Costs Index, and set out why key formulae - per pupil, disadvantage and SEND - should be protected and uprated in real terms. This paper formed part of CST's representation to the 2024 Autumn Budget.

Role description: Member

The role of a member of a school trust is one of the least well understood positions in a trust. This document sets out the key qualities of a member and their relationship with other aspects of trust governance.

It is crucial that trustees conduct themselves in a responsible manner, in line with their responsibilities as both charity trustees and company directors.
This model code of conduct outlines principles to follow both as individual trustees and corporately as a whole board.

In February 2022, CST published an influential discussion paper asking the question, ‘What is a strong trust?’ Since then, we have engaged in a sector-wide discussion to understand how our proposed domains of organisational strength and resilience aligned with sector thinking and the emerging evidence base. This paper sets out our current policy position.

The aim of this framework is to identify trusts' most significant areas of strength and challenge, so that they can build organisational capacity. It is diagnostic, not evaluative, or judgemental.
The framework is supported by Ambition Institute, Challenge Partners, Evidence Based Education, the National Institute of Teaching, and ImpactEd.
Updated September 2024.

Results from the third annual National School Trust Survey, conducted by the Confederation of School Trusts with Edurio. The survey is designed to uncover the main priorities and challenges for the sector for the upcoming academic year, as well as to provide some detail on specific approaches.

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