Following analysis of Budget Forecast Return submissions, shared by over 70 Trusts representing more than 700 schools, we have produced an infographic highlighting the scale of economic challenge facing the sector.
Following analysis of Budget Forecast Return submissions, shared by over 70 Trusts representing more than 700 schools, we have produced an infographic highlighting the scale of economic challenge facing the sector.
A briefing note on potential changes to indexation arrangements for the Teachers’ Pension Scheme.
In this paper, we explore the potential cost pressures affecting Trusts across the next three years, when set against likely funding increases, and seek to identify the pinch points.
Information is correct as of March 2022.
This briefing note from Stone King LLP includes guidance for trusts on pay ahead of the formal settlement of the 2022/3 pay claim for support staff employed under NJC Green Book terms.
Information current as of February 2022.
A summary report of headline findings and a supplementary report on benefits packages for executive leaders in school trusts.
This withdrawn guidance included a code of principles for determining executive pay. We have now incorporated these principles with wider guidance to form a combined Setting executive pay guidance document.
This guidance sets out the principal roles of the accounting officer as expected by Parliament and set out in the Academy Trust Handbook. It also covers the key messages for trusts in the statutory guidance Managing Public Money.
Our response to the Department for Education 'Fair school Funding for all: completing the reforms to the National Funding Formula' consultation.
This guidance is intended to support executive and governance leaders with the basics of a financial model known as integrated curriculum financial planning (ICFP). It offers an overview of the approaches but not the tools themselves.