Education policy

Public policy making, especially in modern times, places a premium on consultation and engagement with the sector or profession or area of the public and private realm which the government department is charged with overseeing. This is both for theoretical reasons – because much of what government does is effectively done by consent and there is prima facie need for some element of collaborative discussion – and also because on a practical basis, much of the information which government requires in order to conduct policymaking is held by the wider environment. Governments need to understand what the scale is of the issue they are addressing; the impact of what they are proposing to do or stop doing; and to hear views as to the achievability and feasibility of proposals.

This position paper sets out a number of proposals to help build a a strengthened system of SEND that is built on a social and affirmative model of disability for children with SEND and builds parental confidence.

We are at an exciting point in the history of education in England where, with care and attention, we could become the best system at getting better. If this is to become a reality, we must ask difficult questions, interrogate the evidence, commission more research and put the mission to advance education for public benefit at the heart of all that we do. We offer this narrative discussion paper, summarised in this policy card, for discussion and debate.

If we are going to build a school system in which schools are part of a group in a single governance and accountability structure, we need to be explicit and eloquent about what constitutes a strong trust. We offer this narrative paper for discussion and debate.

The pandemic has had an impact on every child’s learning, and for disadvantaged pupils in particular. Research conducted by the University of Nottingham between January and September 2021 looked at how leaders in all types of school in 30 small, medium and large Trusts (many serving disadvantaged and "Red Wall” communities”) responded to the challenge of maintaining progress during a continuing period of considerable disruption.

In this short paper, part of our 'Bridge to the Future' series, Tim Oates CBE sets out the case for utilising evidence and the ways we should think about future policy reform to avoid walking straight into long-term trouble.

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Company no: 05303883
Charity no: 1107640

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Confederation of School Trusts (CST)
Suite 1, Whiteley Mill
39 Nottingham Road
Nottingham    NG9 8AD

0115 9170142

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