Leading trust schools through Ofsted inspections

Ofsted is currently developing a new inspection framework, due to come in from autumn 2025. In light of this we have paused this course until there is clarity on what trust's will need to consider in future inspections. 


In what seems likely to be a period of change for Ofsted and school inspection, this session will provide an update on key changes, issues and feedback from recent inspections in the sector.

  • The implications of Ofsted’s Big Listen and any wider policy changes
  • An overview of key issues emerging from recent experiences of inspection
  • Top tips on how to support a trust school through inspection
  • A look ahead: policy issues and debates on the horizon

Who is it for?

This seminar will be relevant for trust executive leaders, as well as trustees with an interest in inspection practice and policy

How you will benefit

You will gain:

  • An overview of current Ofsted inspection policy, including the key changes to the inspection handbook and the removal of the curriculum ‘transition statements’
  • Information about the different types of school inspection that trusts needs to be aware of, and school trust summary evaluations
  • An exploration of the 2019 Education Inspection Framework (EIF)
  • A close look at the quality of education judgement and the elements of ‘intent’, ‘implementation’ and ‘impact’
  • Understanding the role of local and trust governance in inspection.

Seminar leader

Steve Rollett, Deputy CEO, Confederation of School Trusts

Previous participants said

'The content was spot on, and delivery well pitched by a knowledgeable and engaging presenter. Excellent resources and takeaways to put into immediate action to help with dispelling the Ofsted ogre myths.'

'Excellent masterclass, helping our team to prepare effectively for Ofsted to ensure we 'make the grade' but with focus on the children and their education.'

'Exceptionally useful and will help our schools to prepare for Ofsted without increasing workload.'

'Leading through Inspection was an excellent masterclass; detailed, pacey with appropriate depth and the opportunity for questions/networking chat. Thoroughly recommended.'

'Really useful presentations and insight delivered in a manner that made you realise we are all in this together and there is a sense of collaboration and collective drive to improve the sector. Thanks for hosting.'

'The content and delivery were excellent and extremely engaging - and this has given us a foundation on which to share this with colleagues.'

When and where

Ofsted is currently developing a new inspection framework, due to come in from autumn 2025. In light of this we have paused this course until there is clarity on what trust's will need to consider in future inspections. 

Please check back here for future course dates.

Course outline

This one-session course will explore:

  • Different types of inspection and the differences between them in terms of process and outcomes
  • Myths and misconceptions about inspection
  • The latest iteration of the inspection handbook and key policy issues you need to be aware of
  • Ofsted’s Education Inspection Framework (EIF), particularly focusing on the quality of education judgement
  • Ofsted’s conception of curriculum quality and the possible implications for trust leaders
  • The implications for people in a range of roles, including executive leaders and trustees
  • How schools and trusts might manage the run up to an inspection, as well as what comes after


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Charity no: 1107640

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Confederation of School Trusts (CST)
Suite 1, Whiteley Mill
39 Nottingham Road
Nottingham    NG9 8AD

0115 9170142


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