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About CST Membership

Trust membership of CST covers all staff and governance volunteers at your trust. This gives access to member-only content on our website, and the chance to receive our regular email briefings. If your trust is a CST member but you don't have a personal login, please fill in our individual registration form using your trust email address to gain access.

Governance professionals can contact us on behalf of trustees and governors who do not have trust email accounts. Please contact us for details of access for affiliate members.

If your organisation is not yet a member, find out more about the benefits of joining.

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If your trust is a registered CST member but you are not a registered user, please complete the online registration form to gain access to member-only content.

Company no: 05303883
Charity no: 1107640

Contact details

Confederation of School Trusts (CST)
Suite 1, Whiteley Mill
39 Nottingham Road
Nottingham    NG9 8AD

0115 9170142


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