
The performance review of the chief executive or executive leader of a school trust is one of a trust board’s most significant responsibilities. It is key to the board’s leadership of strategy and values, its accountability for educational outcomes and financial health, and supports the development and well-being of the trust’s most senior employee. School trusts have the freedom to define their own appraisal process for chief executives in line with their trust’s ethos and values and approach to performance management.

Trusts have become a central part of the English education system, providing the core of school-to-school support, improvement and governance. This means that it is increasingly important for us to know what high quality looks like in a trust. In this paper we have reviewed the evidence from four countries: England, the US, the Netherlands and Sweden. The latter three countries were chosen as they have somewhat similar (though by no means identical) systems. This literature review draws on a search conducted using several evidence bases, websites of government agencies, and a general google search. We also drew on the references to other studies in those sources.

As we move towards a school system in which all schools are part of a trust, it is right that trusts and schools joining them consider the benefits and challenges of integrating groups of schools. Much of this is addressed through the vitally important due diligence processes that Trusts and schools undertake. However, this paper extends the essence of due diligence beyond the legal and business undertaking to consider what it means to integrate professional practices.

We are at an exciting point in the history of education in England where, with care and attention, we could become the best system at getting better. If this is to become a reality, we must ask difficult questions, interrogate the evidence, commission more research and put the mission to advance education for public benefit at the heart of all that we do. We offer this narrative discussion paper, summarised in this policy card, for discussion and debate.

School Trusts are exempt charities. This means that they are not registered or directly regulated by the Charity Commission but rather have the Secretary of State for Education as their principal regulator. School Trusts still have charitable purposes and apply them for the public benefit, and trusts must comply with the general law of charity.

Model civic compact

As part of our work to locate School Trusts as a new form of civic structure, CST has drafted this model civic compact which members are welcome to use and customise as the basis for dialogue with a local authority.

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Company no: 05303883
Charity no: 1107640

Contact details

Confederation of School Trusts (CST)
Suite 1, Whiteley Mill
39 Nottingham Road
Nottingham    NG9 8AD

0115 9170142


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