Solving the SEND crisis – the Confederation of School Trusts’ response to the Education Committee’s Call for Evidence
Solving the SEND crisis – the Confederation of School Trusts’ response to the Education Committee’s Call for Evidence
Summary and briefing note on the Department for Education's school accountability reform consultation.
The National Employers' Organisation for School Teachers is the statutory recognised national employer representative body for school teachers. It makes an annual submission to the School Teachers Review Body on pay and conditions.
CST’s response to Ofqual’s proposed changes to the assessment of mathematics, physics and combined science GCSEs in 2025, 2026 and 2027
Confederation of School Trusts response to the Centre for Young Lives Call for Evidence on Inclusive Schools
Confederation of School Trusts' response to Ofsted’s Big Listen consultation exercise.
CST's response to the Department for Education's consultation on the Advanced British Standard
CST's response to the Department for Education's consultation on draft Gender Question Children guidance.
CST's response to the Department of Education's consultation on the introduction of minimum service levels in education during industrial action.
CST's response to the Department for Education's consultation on the proposed changes to the non-statutory elective home education guidance for local authorities and parents.