Estates Management Explained for Trustees


This seminar sets out the principles of effective estates management for Trustees, identifying the role of the Trustee Board in ensuring that the school(s) in their Trusts are safe and appropriate environments for learning, and that the risks associated with buildings are effectively managed.

Drawing upon the DfE’s Good Estates Management guidance (GEMS), it will explore the structures, policies and resources required, and the reporting and data that supports Trustees’ decision- making. It will additionally give you an overview of the issues around sustainability and energy management, risk and compliance, emergency planning and finance to inform good governance of your Trust’s estate.

Please be sure to check our fees before making your booking.

Who is it for?

Chairs and Trustees of School Trust Boards

How you will benefit

You will gain:

  • An understanding of the governance processes that support your Trust’s estate to ensure that it enables your Trust’s educational vision and strategy and meets statutory compliance requirements.
  • A summary of the key data that underpins effective estates management, including what should be accessible and reported to Trustees.
  • Insight into the importance of an asset management plan, what it should contain and how it supports the performance and sustainability of your estate.
  • An overview of estates finance, including actual and potential sources of funding and achieving value for money.
  • Awareness of the need for emergency planning, including formal procedures for responding to emergencies that affect the use of the estate, and how to assess risk.

Seminar leader

Robert Gould, Partner, Barker Associates


CST Members £95+VAT / Non-members £125+VAT

View our Terms and Conditions.

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Company no: 05303883
Charity no: 1107640

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Confederation of School Trusts (CST)
Suite 1, Whiteley Mill
39 Nottingham Road
Nottingham    NG9 8AD

0115 9170142

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