Safeguarding explained for trustees


This short course focuses on the governance rather than the practice of safeguarding in a school trust. It aims to reinforce your understanding of trustees’ statutory responsibilities for keeping children safe and helps you to stay out of the detail by setting out what excellent governance of safeguarding at scale involves.

The seminar considers appropriate levels of information and reporting on safeguarding for the trust board and explores the role of the safeguarding trustee. It looks at how safeguarding trustees can build a strong relationship with the trust’s designated safeguarding lead (DSL) and how links with local safeguarding governance can be effective.

This course also encourages trustees to take a forward-facing view on supporting and overseeing the development of your trust’s three to five year safeguarding strategy, including considerations around how safeguarding is structured and resourced.

Please be sure to check our fees before making your booking.

Who is it for?

Chairs and trustees of school trust boards, including but not restricted to designated safeguarding trustees

How you will benefit

You will gain:

  • A refreshed understanding of the statutory duties of trustees in keeping children safe in education.
  • An overview of what good safeguarding governance looks like at trust level, and the information that trustees need to gain assurance that policies are followed and are effective.
  • Guidance on the role of the safeguarding trustee and how to build an effective relationship with the trust DSL.
  • An opportunity to consider how your scheme of delegation sets out local governance responsibilities for safeguarding and how it joins up with the trustee board’s activities.
  • Insight into what safeguarding strategy includes and your role in enabling and overseeing it.

Seminar leader

Dai Durbridge, safeguarding expert and partner at Browne Jacobson


When and where


CST Members £95+VAT / Non-members £125+VAT

View our Terms and Conditions.

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Please note: The content of this seminar is also provided as a module in the Essential Trustee Programme. If you are enrolled on the programme, you don’t need to attend this course.

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Company no: 05303883
Charity no: 1107640

Contact details

Confederation of School Trusts (CST)
Suite 1, Whiteley Mill
39 Nottingham Road
Nottingham    NG9 8AD

0115 9170142

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