
Explore our programme of keynotes and workshops, featuring trust practitioners, regulators, and sector experts and suppliers.
Click on the Keynote or Workshop tabs below to view further details of the day.

Programme details are subject to change.


  • Thursday 20th June 2024
  • Keynotes
  • Workshops

Registration, exhibition, and refreshments

Welcome and introduction

Duncan Baldwin

CST and independent consultant, Data Policy Expert

Steve Rollett

Deputy Chief Executive, Confederation of School Trusts

Keynote: Getting from data to wisdom through openness to research collaboration

Dr Calum Davey

Executive Director for Research and Best Practice, National Institute of Teaching

Shaun Dillon

Director of Data, National Institute of Teaching

Calum and Shaun will delve into the transformative potential of collaborative research. The National Institute of Teaching posits that wisdom is not a solitary pursuit but a collective achievement. Through openness to research collaboration, we can bridge the gap between data and wisdom. This involves not only sharing data and findings but also engaging in ongoing dialogues, challenging assumptions, and refining our questions. They will share work around the Teacher Education Dataset and how it is possible to use schools’ data at scale for the purpose of identifying teacher impacts, forming the basis of more research-led decisions.

DfE building capacity projects: Exploring the outputs

Tina Manning

Chief Information Officer, Potteries Educational Trust

Nick Doy

Head of Data Quality, Nicholas Postgate Catholic Academy Trust

Mark Riddell

Trust Data Manager, The Bishop Fraser Trust

Don Jones

Head of Information and Insights, Ormiston Academies Trust

In this session, Don, Nick, Mark and Tina will together share the findings from two Dfe grant funded projects. The Data Pathways and The Data Leaders Collective projects have developed a range of sector led outputs and insights on a range tools associated with the theme of 'Developing and building data capability within the Education sector'. Hear thoughts on  Data Maturity Models, Professional frameworks, apprenticeships, continued professional development models and much, much more.

What will the next three years look like in the absence of P8?

Andrew Hill

Head of Partnerships, FFT

Andrew will explore with you the implications of the pandemic, the missing baseline and the lack of a progress indicator. He will review the workings of the estimate models, how they should be used and the caveats for 2025 and 2026. He will then look at the importance of the value-added approach to progress and the options for you when thinking about pupil achievement for the coming years. Finally, the session will consider the potential impact upon results and how you can promote good outcomes.

Refreshments, exhibition, and networking

Workshops: Series one

Delegates will be invited to choose which workshops they would like to attend ahead of the day.

Lunch, exhibition, and networking

Workshops: Series two

Delegates will be invited to choose which workshops they would like to attend ahead of the day.

Afternoon break

Workshops: Series three

Delegates will be invited to choose which workshops they would like to attend ahead of the day.

Keynote: The future of trust central data management and three steps for how you can get there

James Weatherill

CEO and Co-founder, Arbor Education

In this session, James will outline the 3 stages of maturity for a trust central data team, with the competencies and training required at each level to help you get to the next stage of your career. You’ll leave with a bunch of free resources and some new ideas about how to level yourself and your trust up!

Final reflections and close

Duncan Baldwin

CST and independent consultant, Data Policy Expert

Thursday 20th June 2024

Keynote: Getting from data to wisdom through openness to research collaboration

Dr Calum Davey

Executive Director for Research and Best Practice, National Institute of Teaching

Shaun Dillon

Director of Data, National Institute of Teaching

Calum and Shaun will delve into the transformative potential of collaborative research. The National Institute of Teaching posits that wisdom is not a solitary pursuit but a collective achievement. Through openness to research collaboration, we can bridge the gap between data and wisdom. This involves not only sharing data and findings but also engaging in ongoing dialogues, challenging assumptions, and refining our questions. They will share work around the Teacher Education Dataset and how it is possible to use schools’ data at scale for the purpose of identifying teacher impacts, forming the basis of more research-led decisions.

Keynote: The future of trust central data management and three steps for how you can get there

James Weatherill

CEO and Co-founder, Arbor Education

In this session, James will outline the 3 stages of maturity for a trust central data team, with the competencies and training required at each level to help you get to the next stage of your career. You’ll leave with a bunch of free resources and some new ideas about how to level yourself and your trust up!

Thursday 20th June 2024

Building new data and AI capability in trusts: how collaborating and an open source approach can help us

Matt Woodruff

Founder and CEO, Open Education AI

Lauren Thorpe

Chief Transformation Officer, United Learning Trust

In this session, Lauren and Matt will share the art of the possible with data capability using new technology as part of an open data collaboration. From how to understand your data sources, to building a data model, through to real examples of how predictive analytics (AI) can be deployed. Importantly, they will share how you don’t need to have a team of data engineers and analysts to make this happen and get started. You will leave the session with information on how to access open-source assets and clear guidance on how to practically use them in your own trust. They will share the roadmap for future development, what is built so far, and how you can get involved.

Mitigating the impact of a cyber-attack with incident response planning

Luke Vere

Digital Services Manager, Voyage Education Partnership

Paul Armstrong

Senior Cultural Auditor and Socio-Technical Lead, Secure Schools

Ian Stockbridge

Cyber Security Assessor, Secure Schools

Schools and trusts are more likely to be hit by a cyber-attack than a fire, but do you rehearse cyber drills, and would you know what to do in an attack? Luke Vere, from the Voyage Education Partnership, will explain the disastrous consequences of not being prepared and the unforeseen disruption a cyber-attack caused their schools. He will outline the lessons learned and how they are more prepared if it happens again. This is a practical session and we will guide you through the steps suitable for your trust following a cyber-attack as you build your cyber incident response plan.

Reimagining edtech fundamentals

Harriet Gill

Trust Partnership Manager, Juniper Education

Tom Stephenson

Trust Partnership Manager, Juniper Education

Samantha Gray

Trust Data Officer, Greenwood Academies Trust

Join us for an insightful workshop exploring the importance of in-depth data analysis and a unified data source for classroom, school, and trust information. Discover why a single source of truth is crucial for your trust's success. Hear first-hand from Samantha Gray, Trust Data Officer, Greenwood Academies Trust about overcoming challenges with disparate data systems, how data influences and shapes strategic Trust decisions, and the evolving role of the data manager. This workshop is a must-attend for those looking to enhance their understanding and utilisation of data for improved educational outcomes.

Improving assessment at KS2 and KS3

Laura Mellis

Director of Information Strategy, Advance Learning Partnership

Gary Laverick

Head of Data Analytics, Consilium Academies

Allan Lowe

Education Advisor, GL Assessment

In this session chaired by Renaissance & GL Assessment, hear from two school trusts about their journey to improve assessment practices across their schools. We’ll discuss the key learnings, the challenges involved with making changes to assessment across schools, and their key priorities going forwards.

DfE Building capacity project – Exploring the roadmap for the development of the data professional in education

Tina Manning

Chief Information Officer, Potteries Educational Trust

Rob Wall

Data and MIS Lead, Danes Educational Trust

Following on from the morning session, this practical workshop will explore what is next for the sector. Be prepared to get involved in helping develop a 'Theory of Change Model' to support the next steps in developing our intelligent future for data professionals in the sector.

Shaping the narrative: Using data dashboards to track trust growth and improvement capacity

Matt Morris

Director of Transformation, Team Education Trust

In this session, Matt Morris of TEAM Education Trust will explore the untapped potential of Power BI to track and visualise Trust growth and improvement capacity. Matt will discuss how the Trust have used data dashboards to shape the organisation’s growth strategy and the how the application of data dashboards with the DfE has facilitated further growth opportunities, alongside the use of dashboards to help secure successful Ofsted outcomes.

Assessing creative and performance subjects, at scale: it is possible!

Victoria Merrick

Founder and Director, Merrick-Ed Limited

Peter Davies

Director of Trust Performance, E-ACT

Peter Davies, Director of Trust Performance at E-ACT and Victoria Merrick, Founder and Director of Merrick-Ed Limited, share a case study of their successful pilot, using Adaptive Comparative Judgement to transform approaches to assessment of creative and performance-based subjects at Key Stage 3, with statistically high reliability scores.

Democratising data access: Driving improvements through data-led decisions

Emma Parkins

Data Manager, Extend Learning Academies Network

Nic Clark

Product Director, IRIS Education

There’s certainly no shortage of data in schools, but the way you manage, use, and share data can be the difference between making a positive impact or not.

We’ll be joined by Emma Parkins, Data Manager at Extend Learning Academies Network (ELAN), as we delve into the power of data democratisation across your trust. Emma will share how making live data more accessible, has helped align trust SLT in common goals and aided impactful decision. You’ll get insights into the potential of democratising data to drive improvements in attendance, attainment, and operational and financial efficiency. Plus, we’ll explore what the future might look like.

  • Thursday 20th June 2024
  • Keynotes
  • Workshops


Thank you to our community supporters

GL Assessment
IRIS Education
Secure Schools